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Rhino Exporter


Rhino Exporter

The exporter is an add-in to a 3D CAD product. These are used to export your 3D model to a QuadriSpace model (QSM) file directly from the 3D CAD software. This file can then be imported into any QuadriSpace product for content creation, distribution and collaboration.

Can I import Rhino files directly without the Exporter?

In general, yes. Pages3D and Publisher3D include the ability to import Rhino files. This native import ability is included with the regular installation programs.

Do I need the Rhino Exporter?

Maybe not. Since all QuadriSpace content creation software includes native importers for Rhino files, you may be able to get the best results by just importing the 3D model. However, there are cases where the exporter is better. You may need Exporter if:

  • You need extra information only available with the exporters (such as some meta-data or exploded views created in the CAD software)
  • You have trouble importing because references to parts, materials or other externally referenced files are not accessible from the workstation that has the QuadriSpace product installed.
  • You would like to have your engineer send you a single, compact file instead of a hierarchy of files sometimes needed to load solid assemblies